The Rules for Using Social Media to Grow Your Business

The Rules for Using Social Media to Grow Your Business

boost your small business grow your business throught social media small business owner social media strategy Sep 30, 2024

I’ve spent countless hours diving deep into the lives of some of the world’s most prolific social media influencers—those mythical creatures who rose above the noise of billions fighting for attention. Spoiler alert: there’s no magic wand, but there is a formula. And if you’re willing to play the game, social media can take your business places you never thought possible.

Whether you’re the life of the party online or someone who cringes at the thought of posting anything publicly, the truth is that social media is the great equalizer. Anyone—literally anyone—can harness its power to grow a brand, build a business, or just get people to pay attention. But there are rules. And if you play by them, you’ll not only build an audience, but you’ll also learn how to make it rain in the process.

1. Know Your Market Inside Out

If you don’t know who you’re talking to, you’re talking to no one. The clearer you are about your audience—their likes, dislikes, needs, and pain points—the better you can serve them. You can’t market to everyone, so don’t try. Nail down your niche, speak their language, and watch your influence grow.


2. Develop a Solid Strategy

Building a social media presence isn’t just about throwing up random posts and hoping something sticks. You need a strategy. Will you run ads? Collaborate with influencers? How often will you post, and what kind of content will you create? Without a plan, you’re just wandering, hoping to get lucky.


3. Quality Beats Quantity Every Time

Forget about bombarding your followers with constant posts. It’s not about how much you post but the value each post brings. Focus on delivering high-quality content that speaks to your audience’s needs and desires. One killer post will do more for your brand than ten mediocre ones.


4. Create Real Value or Go Home

Social media is a value game. Whether it’s inspiration, education, or pure entertainment, your posts need to deliver something people care about. Take a page from Anish Bhatt of @watchanish fame—his posts ooze luxury and aspiration, giving his followers a taste of the lifestyle they crave.


5. Follow the Leaders in Your Space

Want to know what works? Look at the people who are already winning. Follow high-profile accounts in your niche, study their strategies, and take notes. They’ve already done the hard work of figuring out what works—so learn from them instead of reinventing the wheel.


6. Engage, Engage, Engage

You can’t just sit back and wait for followers to find you. Engage with others. Comment, like, and share posts that align with your brand. Build relationships one interaction at a time. The more you give, the more you’ll get. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.


7. Leverage the Power of Influencers

Influencers are the gatekeepers of social media. They hold the keys to mass attention, and collaborating with them can be your ticket to the big leagues. But don’t just throw money at any influencer—find the ones whose followers align with your target market. And make sure your content is top-notch, or all that attention will just fizzle out.


8. Network Like Your Business Depends on It (Because It Does)

Puia Shamsossadati, founder of, knows the power of networking. He grew his Instagram profile to over 2 million followers by collaborating with other big accounts and building real relationships. He even launched his high-end iPhone cover business through Instagram without spending a dime on traditional marketing. Networking isn’t optional—it’s a necessity.


9. Don’t Be That Guy Who’s Always Selling

Nobody wants to be hit with a sales pitch every time they see your posts. If all you’re doing is promoting your products, you’re going to lose your audience fast. Instead, focus on delivering value. Whether it’s inspirational, motivational, or just plain entertaining, your job is to make your audience’s day a little better. The sales will come naturally once you’ve built trust.


10. Make Buying a No-Brainer

If you’re not optimizing for mobile, you’re missing out. Make it easy—like, ridiculously easy—for people to buy from you. Put a link in your profile, ensure your site is mobile-friendly, and streamline the checkout process. The less friction, the more likely people are to whip out their credit cards.


Final Thoughts

Social media isn’t a magic bullet, but it’s one of the most powerful tools you’ve got to grow your business. Follow these rules, put in the work, and remember: it’s a long game. But if you stick with it, engage authentically, and deliver real value, you can build an audience that not only follows you but buys from you.

Stop sitting on the sidelines. Get in the game, play by the rules, and make social media work for you.

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